Carnegie Mellon University
Department of Computer Science
15-415/615 - Database Applications
C. Faloutsos & A. Pavlo, Spring 2015
Homework 3 - B-tree - instructions and auxiliary files
Items of interest
- Homework 3 in pdf
- Recitation foils (4 per page) and (1 per page) (new, 2/10)
- Code, data, and place-holder functions, in atar-file
gunzip; tar xvf; make; # should give one passed test, and fail for all others
- replace the place-holder *.c files with your code
- Test:
- make sure that make test gives a 'passed tests' output
- Try additional tests, of your own - once you are satisfied:
- make handin; verify that the resulting tar file will compile and run fine by the grader, and
- deposit on blackboard.
- Example solution in .tar.gz format (new, 2/27)
Last updated by: Christos Faloutsos and Jiayu Liu, Feb 27, 2015.